10 pet peeves I have

1.When someone chews with their mouth open. It disturbs me a lot. When I was younger, my siblings did this a lot to annoy me.

2.Not washing your hands after using the toilet: I see people doing this a lot and I can’t hide my disgust

3.Coughing without closing your mouth. I literally run away from people that do that and I have this image of germs flying out in the air looking for something to land on. I remember watching a video on germs spreading and in it they animated germs flying around or something like that. I guess that stuck with me. Anyways, with or without the video that ain’t cool.

4.People who cut the line. It’s annoying when I’m standing on the line and some big-headed nothings just boldly decide that it’s perfectly ok to come to stand in front of me. Noo it isn’t and come on don’t you have some manners? I mean we all don’t like standing in line but we are also not stupid for standing in line.

5.I hate it when people use my perfumes and detangler -in fact, things in general without sympathy. Like yes, I allowed you to use it but please don’t go using it like I don’t buy them with money.

6.People that walk slowly on the street especially if it is like two to three people walking together on a narrow road. Like I’m definitely sure the road isn’t only for you and I definitely got somewhere to go to rather than walking behind you.I’m not saying they should run or speed walk but please consider the people behind you. It is even worse when they decide to stand in the middle of the road to gist. Oh God help me.

7.Another pet peeve is when people leave my door open and unfortunately, this is a habit my family members have like every time they come into the room I have to shut close the door after them. The worst is my mum she never like ever closes the door. Sometimes she walks in for no reason meets the door closed open it, look at me and gracefully walk out with the door left opened and I just stare at her like really?. I’m too old for this.

8.When people clink their teeth on the fork or spoon while eating. My brain can’t handle that sound. It can bring out the best in me. I remember when we were small my brother did this a lot and at one point I started to assume it was because his two front teeth were big. That was the time when he was losing and growing teeth.

9.Poor customer service. This is really annoying. I think I’m starting to lose patience for this. I had one experience from an Instagram vendor and although I liked what they had to offer, I never went back to them again because I didn’t want to experience that again. There was no communication throughout the deal. I had to keep asking about everything. I had to hit her up to ask if she had shipped my order and sometimes it took them days to reply even basic messages but I was desperate at that time so I had to swallow all the frustrations.

10.Calling my phone multiple times for no justifiable reason. I mean you’ve left me like three missed call and could see I didn’t answer why would keep on calling till I have like ten missed call. It’s not like it would make a difference. I see the missed call and I become worried. I call back and see that it’s nothing of importance or benefit to me. I think if you leave me three missed call I believe you should probably send a text after that since it’s nothing important instead of querying me about why I didn’t pick the call and go o ranting and maybe sometimes, I actually don’t want to speak to you.

I can go on an on about my pet peeves but these are the ones I come across on a more frequent basis if not daily. It is frustrating. I have soo much of the frustration building up in me and I believe am on the verge of exploding from all that built up anger.

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